Welcome Summer!

 Welcome Summer!

Awww! I really love summer time!


I wear:
Swimsuit: JR Wolf Creations - Night Rose - 
made for Maitreya Lara and petite, Legacy original and perky, Belleza Freya and Isis, Slink (all), Tonic fine and curvy, Minimizer - Material enabled turn on advanced light to see in best way this beautiful swimsuite!
You can find at Evil Bunny - UNDER THE SEA Event June 5-15th HERE

Skin: *Birth* 'Tara' Lelutka Appliers & BOM
Tatto is a free gift applier from Leven Ink Tattoo - Summy Pink

Nails: [LERONSO] Mesh stiletto nails "Shiny Shane" 

Hair: Beusy: Vexing Hairstyle & Cap

My head is Lelutka Lilly and Maitreya Body

And my new favorite Beach Lounger for this summer is from CARELESS in tone gray only 2Li 
and price is near free OMG! This is awesome! 
A must for this summer! Avaliable in other color
PG with 20 female animations, 16 male animations, 13 activities animations and  20 couples animations

This store have very quality furniture and decor also Many gifts are in store 
